Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Waiting Game

Things have entered slow-mo mode here in Room 6. It's been pretty uneventful thus far in comparison to last time around. During Joey's birth 18 months ago, I had to stand up and let Lindsay lean on and/or throw-up on me for about 6 hours. That was a natural birth. This time around, Lindsay had to have an epidural for reasons I will once again refrain from delving into (as to avoid using excessive amounts of gross verbiage). Right now Lindsay is taking a nap through her contractions and I am catching up on some reading.

Some of the highlights so far:
- I woke myself up snoring to find Lindsay, Joy, Sharon and Lisa laughing at me.
- Being locked up in a small room with a minimum of 4 women at one time discussing the intricate and intimate machinations of the female anatomy has left me with a strong desire to watch Bill & Ted's Excellent adventure just to shut down my mind for some reason.
- I've fought off countless attempts from Joy to force me to do some really weird things to my wife which she read on the internet that allegedly speed up the birthing process (not to make Joy sound like a sicko though. Nothing too outlandish or gross. Just weird...and with zero chance of working).
- The anesthesiologist who administered the epidural talked really fast and sounded like the Micro Machine guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2egGfd5j_k).
- Joy, Lisa, and Sharon just returned from cruising the halls for hot doctors to set Joy up with. Upon finding one such potential suitor walking the opposite direction in the hallway, Joy loudly said, "Mmmmm" in passing. She claims it was due to an especially delicious sip of her coffee, but we all know better.


  1. not surprised...joy likes to make other people do weird things and then she does a number of them herself. weird all around but then you do all live in portland. :D

  2. I can't handle all this waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Joy, you don't need no doc. Hold out for an arty bicyclist with dreds. :O)
